vol 2 no 1. 1997

Miłkowski M. 1997. Fauna of Cerambycidae of Kozienice Forest. Kulon 2: 3-15.

Marek Miłkowski, Królowej Jadwigi 19/21, PL-26-600 Radom

Abstract. In 1988-1996 in Kozienicki Forest was recorded the occurrence of 75 species of Cerambycidae, what determines about 40% of the local fauna of these cockchafers. From Kozienicki Landscape Park was indicated 72 species. In this group there were three new species for the Mazoviecka Lowland (Obrium brunneum, Callidium aenaeum, Clytus lama) and four new ones for Małopolska Upland (Obrium cantharium, Anaesthetis tastacea, Exocentrus punctipennis, Menesia bipuncata). Besides it was recorded the occurrence of several species, which are known in Poland from very few positions: Semanotus undatus, Phymatodes pusillus, Pogonocherus ovatus, Acanthocinus reticulatus. The palearctic elements dominate - 27 species (35.5%) and eurocaucasian - 15 species (20.0%).

Goławski A., Dombrowski A., Jędrzejewski M. 1997. Avifauna of the suburban reservoir in Siedlce. Kulon 2: 17-32.

Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. Studies about flight of waterfowl was conducted on a reservoir in Siedlce on the area of 26.5 ha. These studies were in autumn in 1976, 1983, 1991-1995 and in spring in 1977 and 1994-1995. It was also used detouls from 18 controls in other years. All in all it was carried out 177 controls, during which was counted all birds. In spring observations were conducted from February to May and autumn from September to December and it was dependent on ice-sheet on the lagoon. All in all was observed 60 799 individuals which were stated 57 bird species. In spring was observed 26 species - 2 911 individuals and in autumn 53 species - 57 888 individuals. In spring numerical force of 5% exceeded Aythya ferina - 34.7%, Anas platyrhynchos – 16.7%, Podiceps cristatus - 10.6%, Aythya fuligula – 8.9%, Fulica atra - 7.2%. In autumn over 1% achieved: Anas platyrhynchos - 91.8%, Larus ridibundus - 2.8%, Fulica atra - 1.8%. The most significant changes at numeral force of birds for twenty years were noted for Aythya fuligula and Fulica atra (reduction of numeral force) and for Aythya ferina and Larus canus (increase in numbers). Similar course of the passage between 1976 and 1994 was stated for Anas penelope in autumn and 1977 and 1994 (spring) for Podiceps cristatus. It was noted few species of birds, which seldom flying to the Southern Podlasie: Branta leucopsis, Tadorna tadorna, Netta rufina, Larus melanocephalus, Sterna paradisaea. Results of observations from the Siedlce Reservoir was compared with results from the Bugaj Reservoir in Piotrków Trybunalski, which is characterized by similar size and use. On both reservoirs QS = 80%, but completely different are densities of most species and the structure of bird grouping is also different.

Chmielewski S. 1997. Changes in avifauna of the valley of Pilica River after building the Sulejów Reservoir. Kulon 2: 33-40.

Sławomir Chmielewski, Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica, sch6@wp.pl 

Abstract. On the basis of these studies carrying out in 1970-1975 and in 1987-1994 was analysed an influence of the Sulejów Reservoir on the breeding avifauna of the valley of Pilica River. In the valley of River Pilica over the Sulejów Reservoir was analysed 21 species of which 6 species of waterfowl stopped nesting. Reduction of numerical force was noted for more 10 species, what determines 76% of breeding avifauna occurring in the near future in the valley over the Reservoir. Taking consideration downward trends of populations of some species in a subregional scale, can state, that local factors affected on the reduction of numerical force of 67% waterfowl species nesting over the dam. Similar is the balance of change in breeding awifauna over the Reservoir. Among 30 analysed species from this group, 3 stopped nesting, 15 decreased numerical force. It determines 60% of breeding avifauna nesting before building of the Reservoir. Factors, which are responsible for the changes of numerical force they are the valley drainage, the influence of brown coal mine in Bełchatów on water resources in the catchment, intercepting the spring flood water by the Reservoir and in consequence a shortage of overflows under the dam, changes in plant associations characteristic of flooded meadows. An additional negative factor is also the Reservoir, which is "an ecological trap" for birds nesting in a backwater, for the sake of water fluctuations in the breeding season. In order to restrain negative changes, essential is increasing of water retention in the valley through making artificial control overflows under the Sulejów Reservoir, cessation of land melioration, draining meadows, riparian forest and alder carrs, revegetation of prohibition of changing meadows and grasslands into farmlands and afforestation them, eliminating illegal summer resort building.

Goławski A., Sachanowicz K. 1997. The existence of Laridae in an annual cycle in Siedlce. Kulon 2: 41-46.

Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. Studies were conducted in 1991-1996 on the water reservoirs and on the built-up area in Siedlce. For six years were carried out 544 controls. During these studies was observed regular occurrences of five species of Laridae: Larus ridibundus (1 915 individuals), Larus canus (873 individuals), Larus minutus (72 individuals), Larus argentatus/cachinnans (144 individuals) and Larus fuscus (72 individuals). In comparison with 1970s was stated much more intensity of the passage of all Larus canus and Larus argentatus/cachinnans.

Wilniewczyc P. 1997. Briding birds in Staszica Park in Kielce with the adjoining green areas. Kulon 2: 47-51.

Piotr Wilniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl

Abstract. In 1995 was estimated the quantitative and qualitative composition of the avifauna in Staszica Park in Kielce on 15 ha area. Field observations were conducted with the application of the combined cartographic method to counting of breeding birds. Overall on the area was recorded 48 birds species in with 33 species were recognized as breeding birds. Average density was 382.6 pairs/10 ha, excluding Corvus frugilegus colony 144.6 pairs/10 ha.

Goławski A. 1997. Anomalies at colouring of Aythya fuligula. Kulon 2: 53-55.

Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. In 1994 and 1996 in Siedlce was exactly looked 148 females and juvenile birds of Aythya fuligula, of which 25 (16.9%) had white feathers at the base of rostrum and 14 (9.5%) had white anal coverts.

Sosnowski J. 1997. Amphibians of the Spalski Landscape Park. Kulon 2: 57-62.

Jerzy Sosnowski, Bardowskiego 4/24, PL-97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki

Abstract. In 1995-1996 carried out a stocktaking of amphibians on the ground of the Spalski Landscape Park, protecting the woods of Pilicka Forest and the valley of the River Pilica (Central Poland). On this ground recorded 12 species of amphibians. Presumably, at present the River Pilica has not got an influence on a condition of herpetofauna in the valley of this river. The reason is a shortage of spring overflows, caused of building the Sulejów Reservoir.

Kasprzykowski 1997. Dying out of Tetrao tetrix on the Kurpiowska Plain. Kulon 2: 63-65.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. Studies comprised eight biggest tooting-grounds of Tetrao tetrix on the Kurpiowska Plain (in the north-east of Poland). Between seasons 1989/1990 and 1995/1996 was recorded the reduction of numerical force of Tetrao tetrix, making 76% in all population. The most subject were males - the reduction 80%, however the reduction of numerical force of females was 61%.

Górski A. 1997. Tringa stagnatilis – the new breeding species in the avifauna of Mazowsze. Kulon 2: 65-66.

Andrzej Górski, Zakład Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska WSP, Żołnierska 14, PL-10-561 Olsztyn

Abstract. On 9th June 1995 in valley of the River Narew near Łomża was recorded the nesting of one pair of Tringa stagnatilis and was observed one nestling. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Kasprzykowski Z., Mitrus C. 1997. Nesting of Larus canus in the valley of the Lower River Narew and the lower River Bug. Kulon 2: 67-68.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. In 1988 the first case of nesting of Larus canus in the valley of the lower River Narew was noticed. In 1989 three pairs of this species nested already there. In the valley of the lower River Bug the first case of nesting was noticed in 1989.

Kasprzykowski Z., Rzępała M. 1997. Breeding Cygnus cygnus near Ostrołęka. Kulon 2: 68-70.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. On 3rd May 1993 near Nożewo (district Olszewo-Borki, province Ostrołęka) in the valley of the River Narew was discovered the hatch of Cygnus cygnus (Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission). There was the hatching nest in the strongly shaggy old-river bed of the River Narew. On the 6th June 1993 was observed three juvenile birds and a pair of parents close to the nest.

Kaźmierczak B., Kaliszewski I. 1997. Merops apiaster near Płock. Kulon 2: 70-71.

Bogdan Kaźmierczak, Królowej Jadwigi 1/29, PL-09-400 Płock

Abstract. On 2nd August 1988 in Imielnica (district Borowiczki) about 8 km in the east of Płock on the area of the domestic garden was found Merops apiaster with a broken wing. Founding of young bird at the beginning of August lets assume that in 1988 this species could nest near Płock.

Maniakowski M. 1997. Polysticta stelleri – the new species in the avifauna of Mazowsze. Kulon 2: 71-73.

Michał Maniakowski, Świętopełka 36B/1, PL-87-100 Toruń

Abstract. On 22nd February - 3rd March 1995 on the Zegrzyński Reservoir (province Warsaw) was observed the adult male of Polysticta stelleri. It is the second observations of this species in the inland of Poland (Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission).

Sułek J. 1997. The first record of Platalea leucordia in the Region of Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 73.

Jarosław Sułek, Łąkowa 8, PL-25-724 Kielce

Abstract. On 13th April 1991 on the fishponds near Korytnica village close to Szydłów (province Tarnobrzeg) was observed Platalea leucordia in the nuptial plumage. (Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission).

Górski A., Nowakowski J. J. 1997. The observation of Aquila heliaca on the Kurpiowska Plain. Kulon 2: 74-75.

Andrzej Górski, Zakład Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska WSP, Żołnierska 14, PL-10-561 Olsztyn

Abstract. On 13th June 1995 in the valley of the River Szkwa near Dudy Puszczańskie (district Łyse, province Ostrołęka) was observed Aquila heliaca in immature plumage (Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission).

Maniarski R., Misiuna Ł. 1997. The third observation of Motacilla citreola in the Region of Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 75-76.

Roman Maniarski, Pawłowice 3, PL-28-411 Michałów

Abstract. On 11th April and 1st May 1993 on the fish ponds near the Młodzawy (southern Poland) was observed an adult male of Motacilla citreola. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Osojca G. 1997. Non-typical nesting of Falco subbuteo. Kulon 2: 76-77.

Grzegorz Osojca, Wola Solecka I nr 167, PL-27-300 Lipsko

Abstract. In 1995 was found a nest of Corvus corax on a high-voltage pillar in the west from Baranowo (central Poland). In the same year this nest was occupied by a pair of Falco subbuteo.

Sachanowicz K. 1997. Nesting of Corvus corax on the railway bridge. Kulon 2: 77-78.

Konrad Sachanowicz, W. Pola 13, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. On 5th May 1996 was recorded the nesting of Corvus corax on the active railway bridge near the Fronołów railway station (district Sarnaki, province Biala Podlaska).

Kusiak P., Wilniewczyc P., Tabor J. 1997. Observations of large flights of Coccothraustes coccothraustes in Mazowsze and in the Region of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 78-79.

Przemysław Kusiak, Targowa 58a/24, PL-26-400 Przysucha

Abstract. In 1989-1996 was observed large flights of Coccothraustes coccothraustes in Mazowsze and in the Region of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Birds fed in beech and pine-oak woods with a large participation of hornbeam. The largest flight contained 1300 individuals.

Polak M. 1997. Large flights of Numenius arquata on the ponds in Górki. Kulon 2: 79-80.

Marcin Polak, Krasickiego 24/33, PL-25-430 Kielce

Abstract. During the systematic observations of the fishponds in Górki (district Wiślica, province Kielce) was recorded large concentrations of inbreeding Numenius arquata. The largest noted concentrations in 1993-1996 included from 60 to 86 individuals.

Antczak K., Pagórski P. 1997. Anusual spring concentrations of Anas penelope. Kulon 2: 80-81.

Krzysztof Antczak, Osiedle Książąt Mazowieckich 6/41, PL-06-500 Mława

Abstract. On 9th April 1996 in the valley of the upper the River Orzyc near Grzebsk on the flooding (district Dzierzgowo/Wieczfnia Kościelna, province Ciechanów) was observed the flock of Anas penelope, counting 3000-3500 individuals.

Wilniewczyc P., Polak M., Misiuna Ł. 1997. Large flights of Miliaria calandra in the Region of Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 81.

Piotr Wielniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl

Abstract. On 24th December 1993 was met a flight of Milaria calandra in the region of Ciołki village (province Kielce), counting about 150 individuals. The same numerous flights of this species, counting about 170 and 140 individuals was observed on 31st December 1993 and on 26th February 1994 close to Tarszawa village (Kielce).

Wilniewczyc P. 1997. Large concentration of Turdus pilaris in the valley of the River Nida. Kulon 2: 82.

Piotr Wielniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl

Abstract. On 19th October 1996 in the east of Wiślica village (district Wiślica, province Kielce) was observed the flight of about 2000 Turdus pilaris.

Kowalski M., Lesiński G. 1997. Bats (Chiroptera) in the Polish part of the Brześć fortress. Kulon 2: 84-86.

Marek Kowalski, TP "Bocian", Jagiełły 10, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Five forts located around Terespol (Biała Podlaska voivodship) was checked for hibernating bats between 1991 and 1995. Barbastella barbastellus was the most abundant species (more than 93% of records), remaining four: Eptesicus serotinus, E. nilssoni, Plecotus auritus and P. austriacus were less numerous.

Sachanowicz K., Czabała M., Łajkowska M., Marzec M. 1997. The position of Barbastella barbastellus in Romincka Forest. Kulon 2: 86-87.

Konrad Sachanowicz, W. Pola 13, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. On 17th February 1996 in the developed cellar under the residential house in Stańczyki (district Dubeniki, province Suwałki, UTM FF01) was recorded one hibernating Barbastella barbastellus. It is the farthest standing out position in the north-east Poland.

Maniarski R. 1997. Assertion of Emys orbicularis in the valley of the River Nida. Kulon 2: 89-90.

Roman Maniarski, Pawłowice 3, PL-28-411 Michałów

Abstract. On 28th March 1994 near Pawłowice (district Michałów, prowince Kielce) in the estuary of the River Mierzawa to the River Nida was caught one individual of Emys orbicularis.

Kowalski M., Gwardjan M., Klauzińska M., Ostrach-Kowalska A. 1997. Station of Pungitius pungitius in the Nida basin (province Kielce). Kulon 2: 91-92.

Marek Kowalski, TP "Bocian", Jagiełły 10, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. On 14th August, 12th December and 6th February 1997 in flowing the Skorocicki Stream across the Skorocicki Cave (district Wiślica, province Kielce, UTM DA 78) was observed the little flock of about twenty Pungitius pungitius. It is the southernmost station of this species in Poland.

Gwardjan M. 1997. The new position of Odontaeus armiger (Scopoli, 1772) – (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 93.

Mariusz Gwardjan, Lecha 9/29, Pl-25-622 Kielce, gwardjan@poczta.onet.pl 

Abstract. On 1st June 1996 in Kielce one female of Odontaeus armiger (Scopoli, 1772) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) was caught. This is the second record of this species from Świętokrzyskie Mountains.

Bidas M. 1997. Oxythyrea funesta (Poda 1761) – the new represantive of Scarabaeidae for the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 93-94.

Marek Bidas, Mazurska 64/91, PL-25-342 Kielce

Abstract. On 5th August 1996 in Słowik near Kielce one individual of Oxythyrea funesta (Poda 1761) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) was caught. It is the farthest standing out position of this species in the north of Poland from last fifty years and the first in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.

Gwardjan M. 1997. The position of Colias erate (Esper, 1804) – Lepidoptera: Pieridae on Ponidzie. Kulon 2: 94-96.

Mariusz Gwardjan, Lecha 9/29, Pl-25-622 Kielce, gwardjan@poczta.onet.pl 

Abstract. On 28th August 1996 near Krzyżanowice (province Kielce) one individual of Colias erate (Esper, 1804) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) was caught. In Poland this species was observed only in 1990 in the southern part of country. It is the farthest standing out position of this species in the north Poland.

Gwardjan M. 1997. The new position of Pachyta quadrimaculata (Linaeus, 1758) – Coleoptera: Cerambycidae in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 96.

Mariusz Gwardjan, Lecha 9/29, Pl-25-622 Kielce, gwardjan@poczta.onet.pl 

Abstract. On 25-27th July 1996 in Kielce two individuals of Pachyta quadrimaculata (Linaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) were caught. This is the third record of this species from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains.