3 no 2. 1998
Dombrowski A. 1998. Water birds on fish ponds of
Południowopodlaska Lowland during autumn migration. Kulon 3: 123-150 Dombrowski A. 1998. BREEDING BIRD COMMUNITIES IN PARKS OF SIEDLCE. Kulon 3: 151-184 Andrzej Dombrowski, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl Abstract. In 1977-1978, 1980, 1984-1986 the qualitative and quantitative studies of breeding bird communities in city parks of Siedlce (E Poland) were carried out using a combined territory mapping method. Three study plots were distinguished, depending on their vegetation structure and surroundings: Park Siedlecki Główny (the Main Siedlce Park) (PSG - 15 ha), Park Siedlecki Dziki (the Wild Siedlce Park) (PSD - 3.8 ha) and Park Siedlecki Nowy (the New Siedlce Park) (PSN - 3.2 ha). Forty two bird species were recorded altogether. The fauna of PSG was the most diverse (41 species), ranging from 28 to 32 in particular years. In PSD 25 species were found (from 20 to 22 in particular years). In PSN the species number was the lowest: 17 (12 to 13). The densities in 1986 were: 57.5 p/10 ha in PSN, 175.5 p/10 ha in PSD and 71.7 p/10 ha in PSG. In all studied parks the cavity nesters were dominating, ranging from 56.6% to 60.3% of all bird community. In comparison with other parks, both in eastern and western parts of Poland, the species diversity in PSG was relatively high due to very well preserved and diverse flora. The densities of bird communities in W Poland were much higher than in Siedlce, while in eastern part of the country (except for Puławy) the densities were lower - as the result of various vegetation structure, floristic diversity and degree of urbanisation of majority bird species. The list of dominating species in most compared parks was similar. In PSG the species list was similar to majority of parks analysed while the densities were similar only in 3 parks in eastern and 1 park in western Poland. The differences resulted from much higher (in comparison with PSG) densities of woodpigeon, blackbird, collared dove and house sparrow. From 1969 to 1986 in parks of Siedlce the changes in species composition and densities were recorded. In PSN the increase of species number was the most distinctive (from 5 to 13) and the breeding community there seems still the most dynamic. In 1969-1980 the number of communities increased. In 1980-1986 the numbers of many species substantially lowered which seems the result of the processes outside the studied area. The tendencies n bird fauna changes in Siedlce parks are similar to those observed in other city areas of Poland and are the result of urbanisation during the last thirty years. Lesiński G. 1998. POPULATION INCREASE OF MAGPIE Pica pica IN OUTSKIRTS Grzegorz Lesiński, Zakład Ekologii Kręgowców Instytut Ekologii PAN, Dziekanów Leśny k. Warszawy, PL-05-092 Łomianki Abstract. The study on the magpie Pica pica density in built-up areas was carried out in 1983-1998 and led to conclusion that at the begining of 80s the urban population of this species showed the high increase in numbers in Warsaw (Central Poland). Rapid increase was noted earlier in suburbs than in city outskirts. Density of suburban population reached the mean value - 3.4 pairs/10 ha at the begining of 80s (locally about 6 pairs/10 ha). In 90s the population showed stabilization, slight increase or decrease. On the contrary, the magpies inhabiting built-up area of the city outskirts were not numerous in 80s (0.4-0.7 pairs/10 ha) and their density rapidly increased in 90s (2.6-5.7 pairs/10 ha). The rate of increase was very high - 10 times during 13 years, similar not observed in other European cities. At present Warsaw is inhabited by very strong urban population of magpie. In the study area many aggressive meetings, sometimes up to 6-8 individuals, were observed. Kasprzykowski Z., Goławski A. POPULATION OF WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia IN THE AREA OF THE "PODLASKI PRZEŁOM BUGU" IN 1984-1985 AND 1994. Kulon 3: 195-203 Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska WSR-P, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. The nests of white stork Ciconia ciconia were counted in the Podlaski Przełom Bugu Region (420.2 km2, CE Poland) in 1984-85 and 1994. During the study period the number of taken nests increased from 163 in 1984-85 to 181 in 1994 and the densities increased from 38.8 to 43.0 pairs/10 km2. The biggest changes in numbers took place in nests located on the roofs (decrease from 64.1 to 43.6%) and on pylons (increase from 23.1 to 38.8%). The number of nests located in trees in villages increased by 8.3%. The tendencies observed in the studied region were compatible to those observed in Poland in 1984-1995. Dombrowski A., Hordowski J., Kasprzykowski Z., Goławski
A., Rzępała M., Chmielewski S. 1998. ON CHANGES IN NUMBERS OF CORN CRAKE
Crex crex
Andrzej Dombrowski, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl Ciach M., Rębiś M. 1998. THE OBSERVATIONS OF PIGMY CORMORANT Phalacrocorax pygmeus IN MAZOWIECKA LOWLAND. Kulon 3: 207-208 Michał Ciach, ul. Głowackiego 39/43/40, PL-97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki,
mciach@ar.krakow.pl Chmielewski S., Iwańczuk C. 1998. THE NESTING OF COMMON GULL Larus canus ON THE PILICA RIVER. Kulon 3: 209-210 Sławomir Chmielewski, ul. Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica,
sch6@wp.pl Ciach M., Furmanek M. 1998. RECORDS OF LITTLE OWL Glaucidium passerinum ON MAZOWIECKA LOWLAND. Kulon 3: 210-211 Michał Ciach, ul. Głowackiego 39/43/40, PL-97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki,
mciach@ar.krakow.pl Górski P., Miłkowski M. 1998. NEW LOCALITIES OF Tetrops starkii Chevrolat Paweł Górski, ul.Słodowiec 9/164, PL-01-708 Warszawa Polak M., Szczepaniak W., Zięcik P., 1998. THE REPORT FROM BIRD RINGING ON PONDS NEAR GÓRKI IN 1997-1998. Kulon 3: 215-217 Włodzimierz Szczepaniak, Obóz Naukowy - Górki, ul. Orkana 3/69,
PL-25-548 Kielce, szczepan@swietokrzyskipn.org.pl |