vol 4 no 1-2. 1999

Kusiak P. 1999. Status of the white stork Ciconia ciconia population 
in southern part of the Mazowsze region and in the Kielecczyzna region in 1994-1995
. Kulon 4: 3-

Przemysław Kusiak, ul. Targowa 58a/24, PL-26-400 Przysucha

Abstract. An inventory of white stork nests was made in administrative districts or groups of communes over an area of 16 536 km2 in 1994-1996. Mean densities of breeding pairs (StD) was 6.6 per 100 km2. These results were compared with the results from an area of 3 436 km2 in 1974 and from an area of 4 157 km2 in 1984-1987. In addition, the results of questionnaires sent out to all village administrator's offices, except to the former Skierniewickie province, in 1974, 1984-1985 and 1994 were used. The results show that the white stork population fluctuates in southern part of Mazowsze. A small decrease by 10% was found during the inventory in 1984, but in 1994-1996, the number of breeding pairs was equal to that in 1974. In Kielecczyzna, the number of breading white storks increased with time. In 1994-1996 it was higher than in 1974 by 35%. The breeding performance in southern Mazowsze and in Kielecczyzna, as measured by JZa, JZm, and %HPo, was above average for other parts of Poland. The sites of nest placement (based on the data from questionnaires) changed in the periods 1974, 1984-1985 and 1994-1996. The proportion of nests placed in trees remained unchanged (about 70%), but the proportion of nests on buildings decreased (28%, 19%, and 10%, respectively), whereas it increased on poles (1%, 7%, and 19%).

Tabor J., Ciach M., Chmielewski S. 1999. Avifauna of Sulejowski dam reservoir in the breeding period. Kulon 4: 37-53.

Jacek Tabor, Spalski Park Krajobrazowy, ul. Podleśna 2, PL-97-214 Spała, jacektabor@poczta.onet.pl

Abstract. The paper describes avifauna of Sulejowski dam reservoir in the breeding period. The basic study was conducted in 1997. The results are supplemented with data from 1973 when the dam reservoir was established. In 1973-1997, at least 38 species of water birds and waders were nesting.
The dominant species were the black-headed gull, mallard, coot and tufted duck. In 1997, a general decrease in the number of nesting birds was observed as compared with the period 1973-1975. It was most pronounced in the porchard, common tern, little ringed plover, red necked grebe, garganey, great crested grebe, little tern, black tern, tufted duck, coot, and black-headed gull. In 1997, as compared with the earlier years, such species as the shoveler, ringed plover, green sandpiper, and little gull did not nest. Over the 27-years period, clear fluctuations were observed in the abundance of the little tern, black-headed gull, and coot. A new species in the avifauna of the dam reservoir was the goosander. An analysis of nine large dam reservoirs in Poland showed a high similarity among them. The avifauna of Sulejowski dam reservoir was most similar to those of Turawski, Wolnieść, and Jeziorsko dam reservoirs (QS>80%). 

Sachanowicz K., Goławski A. Tabor A. 1999. BREEDING AVIFAUNA OF FISH PONDS IN SIEDLCE DURING 1966-1998. Kulon 4: 44-63.

Konrad Sachanowicz, ul. W. Pola 13, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. The objective of the study was to describe changes in the breeding birds of fish ponds in Siedlce (203 ha) over 1966-1998. In successive periods, the ponds differed in the cover of emergent vegetation. In 1966-98, 47 nesting species of water birds and passerines associated with aquatic habitats were recorded. Over this period, four species disappeared and 12 new species appeared. In 1966-1990, the ferruginous duck, snipe, and black tern stopped nesting, whereas the heron, mute swan, Mediterranean gull, spotted crake, ringed plover, common tern, and Savi's warbler started nesting. The highest increase in numbers was noted in the bittern, gadwall, shoveler, tufted duck, marsh harrier, black-headed gull, and penduline tit. A decrease in numbers was recorded for the little bittern and garganey. In 1991-98, the little bittern stopped nesting, whereas Montagu's harrier, whiskered tern, corncrake, grasshopper warbler, and bearded tit started nesting. Numbers of the garganey, penduline tit, and scarlet grosbeak increased, whereas numbers of the little grebe, great crested grebe, pochard, tufted duck, water rail, moorhen, coot, and black-headed gull decreased. The decrease in numbers, or abandoning the sites earlier occupied by the little bittern, ferruginous duck, and presumably by the black tern has been observed in Poland and Europe.
Changes in the avifauna over 1991-1998 are likely to be caused by changes in the area of open water and in the cover with aquatic plants and bulrushes.

Chmielewski S. 1999. Numbers of the European beaver Castor fiber vistulanus on the Pilica river between the village of Grotowice and the river mouth. Kulon 4: 65-72.

Sławomir Chmielewski, ul. Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica, sch6@wp.pl 

Abstract. The paper describes the occurrence of beavers on the 102-km section of the Pilica river in 1998. The inventory was conducted from a boat. In total, 59 beaver sites were recorded, and about 35-39 beaver families were present. Assuming that the mean family size was 3.7 individuals, the estimated number of beavers was 130-144 individuals. Typically, they inhabited islands. They had a positive effect on the habitat in the Pilica floodplain.


Piotr Wilniewczyc, ul. Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl 

Abstract. One individual of the yellow-browed warbler was observed on fish ponds in the village of Górki (50020' N, 20045' E) on 9 September, 1998. This is the fourth inland record of this species. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Goławski A., Kasprzykowski Z. 1999. THE SECOND CASE OF THE NESTING OF THE WHISKERED TERN Chlidonias hybridus in the South-Podlaska Lowland. Kulon 4: 74-76.

Artur Goławski, Zakład Zoologii Akademia Podlaska, ul. B. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl 

Abstract. IIn the spring of 1998, the nesting of 26-27 pairs of the wiskered tern was recorded on fish ponds in Siedlce. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission. The nest material consisted of the nearby aquatic plants: Scirpus lacustris, Juncus gerardii, and Sparganium erectum. Nests were located at the peripheries of a colony of the black-headed gull Larus ridibundus in central part of the 76-ha pond. This is the second case (on the same ponds) of the nesting of this species in the South-Podlaska Lowland.

Sachanowicz K. 1999. Roosting of the lesser black-backed gull 
Larus fuscus near Siedlce
. Kulon 4: 76-

Konrad Sachanowicz, ul. Wincentego Pola 13, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. In April, 1997, a flight and roosting of up to 57 lesser black-backed gulls was observed on fish ponds near Siedlce, eastern Poland (17 April). On three occasions, birds of the subspecies L. f. graellsii or L.f. intermedius, or hybrids between them were recorded (8 individuals).


Grzegorz Lesiński, Instytut Ekologii PAN, Dziekanów Leśny, PL-05-092 Łomianki

Abstract. Small mammals (71.3% of 268 ind.) and birds (28.7%) were found among the vertebrate prey of the Tawny owl in the Sobieski Forest. The Bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus dominated mammalian prey (24.3%), and the House sparrow Passer domesticus dominated avian prey (16.4%). The diet composition is similar to other suburban forests near Warsaw but the absence of amphibians and the European pine vole Pitymys subterraneus is typical for this area.

Stolarz P., Nowicki W. 1999. Untypical breeding site of the common gull 
Larus canus in Warsaw
. Kulon 4: 81-

Przemysław Stolarz, Centrum Ekologii Człowieka, ul. Kościuszki 24, PL-05-075 Wesoła

Abstract. On 23 June, 1989, two Common Gull chicks in down were found at the bottom of a concrete ash container of the power generating plant Kawęczyn. On 8 May 1990, a nest of this species was found. It was placed on the roof of the crane-operator cabin located at the same container.

Chylarecki P. 1999. FIRST BREEDING RECORD OF CITRINE WAGTAIL Motacilla citreola IN MAZOWSZE. Kulon 4: 82-83.

Przemysław Chylarecki, Stacja Ornitologiczna IE PAN, Nadwiślańska 108, PL-80-680 Gdańsk 40

Abstract. On 12 June 1997, a clutch of Citrine Wagtail was found in Bug river valley near village Rytele-Olechny (Mazowsze region, CE Poland). The 5-egg clutch was incubated only by female and no male Citrine Wagtail was observed during a 4-hour stay at the site. Breeding success was unknown as the nest was not controlled again. The site was apparently not re-occupied by Citrine Wagtails in 1998 (accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission).

Chylarecki P. 1999. FIRST RECORD OF SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella brachydactyla FOR MAZOWSZE-PODLASIE LOWLANDS . Kulon 4: 84.

Przemysław Chylarecki, Stacja Ornitologiczna IE PAN, Nadwiślańska 108, PL-80-680 Gdańsk 40

Abstract. On 10 May 1997, a single Short-toed Lark was observed on pastures in Bug river valley near Mołożew village. It is the first record of this species for lowlands of Mazowsze and Podlasie (CE Poland) and sixth one for the country (accepted by Avifaunistic Commission).

Bargiel R., Radzicki G., Hejduk J. 1999. WINTER RECORD OF PARTI-COLOURED BAT Vespertilio murinus IN ŁÓDŹ (CENTRAL POLAND). Kulon 4: 85-86.

Rafał Bargiel, ul. Piotrkowska 247 m. 64, PL-90-456 Łódź

Abstract. At the beginning of February 1998 an active female of Parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus was found in the city of Łódź - it is the first record of describe species in this city. The bat was caught in a private flat on the 13th floor. It is the eighth bat species noticed in this urban area.

Kowalski M., Gwardjan M. 1999. The first record of the lesser white-toothed shrew Crocidura suaveolens in the Mazowiecka and Podlaska Lowlands. Kulon 4: 87.

Marek Kowalski, ul. Wyszogrodzka 5 m 82, PL-03-337 Warszawa, 

Abstract. Bone remains of three individuals of the white-toothed shrew Crocidura suaveolens were found in pellets of the barn owl collected from the village of Krępa Kościelna (Lipsko commune, Mazowieckie province, UTM EB 36) in 1996-1999. This is the first record of this species in the Mazowiecka Lowland.

Stryjski I. 1999. An observation of Acherontia atropos in Radom. Kulon 4: 89.

Ireneusz Stryjski, ul. Żelazna 31 m 9, PL-26-600 Radom.

Abstract. A male of Acherontia atropos was observed in Radom (central Poland, UTM EB 08) in the light of a mercury lamp on 24 September, 1999.

Ciach M., Łukaszewicz P., Tabor J. 1999. New sites of the spider Argiope bruennichi in the Mazowiecka Lowland. Kulon 4: 91-92.

Michał Ciach, ul. B. Głowackiego 39/43 m. 40, PL-97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki, mciach@ar.krakow.pl 

Abstract. Four sites of Argiope bruennichi were found in the Pilica floodplain and its surroundings (central Poland). They provide evidence that the range of this species is expanding north-eastwards, probably along the river Pilica, in the Mazowiecka Lowland.

Kowalski M., Gwarjan M., Piwko W. 1999. New sites of the spider Argiope bruennichi in northern part of the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. Kulon 4: 93-94.

Marek Kowalski, ul. Wyszogrodzka 5 m 82, PL-03-337 Warszawa, 

Abstract. In 1998-1999, five sites of Argiope bruennichi were located in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The authors suggest that this species is more common in this region, and small number of the sites known reflects the lack of studies in that area.