vol 5 no 1. 2000

Jędrzejewski M. 2000. Wintering of land birds in some river 
valleys of central-eastern Poland over 1984-1993
. Kulon 5: 3-

Mirosław Jędrzejewski, ul. Literacka 4/14, PL-01-864 Warszawa

Abstract. In river valleys of central-eastern Poland, 108.091 birds of 59 species were recorded. The most abundant were: siskin (21,8% of the total number recorded), jackdaw (10,3%), and fieldfare (9,0%). Of this total, 46 species wintered regularly and 13 irregularly. Over the 10-year period, increasing tendencies in winter were found for 11 species (sparrowhawk, green woodpecker, raven, carrion crow, rook, magpie, blue tit, great tit, bullfinch, house sparrow, and yellowhammer), and decreasing tendencies for two species (short-toed treecreeper and linnet). The remaining species did not show clear tendencies. In some cases it may be suggested that numbers of wintering birds depend on the available food supply and on the variation in temperature on wintering grounds. In the group of regularly wintering birds, the density of 19 species declined with decreasing temperature, and the density of 8 species increased with decreasing temperature. The densities of siskins and jays on wintering grounds increased with the available food supply (alder seeds and acorn). The density of rough-legged buzzard did not depend on the available food supply (common vole) on the wintering grounds. A decrease in temperature accounted for an increase in flock size of wrens and short-toed tree creepers, although the densities of these species did not decline. Based on the established criteria, 8 species were considered invasive in central-eastern Poland (rough-legged buzzard, waxwing, redpoll, siskin, fieldfare, jay, long-toed treecreeper, and hawfinch). This group probably also includes linnet, long-tailed tit, greenfinch and goldfinch.

Polak M. 2000. Numbers of birds of prey in the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. Kulon 5: 39-44.

Marcin Polak, ul. Krasickiego 24/33, PL-25-430 Kielce

Abstract. Numbers of birds of prey were estimated on a 96-km2 plot of field-forest mosaics (51% forest). In 1993, four counts were made (22 days), and in 1994 five counts (25 days). The results are shown in table. The density of the buzzard (16,6 pairs/100 km2) was at a mean level as compared with those from other parts of Poland, whereas the density of the goshawk was relatively high (6,2 pairs/km2) and typical of central Poland.

Kasprzykowski Z., Goławski A. 2000. Avifauna of the middle and lower Omulew valley. Kulon 5: 45-59.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska Akademii Podlaskiej, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl 

Abstract. Omulew valley is situated in the macroregion of the North-Mazowian Lowland and in the mesoregion of the Kurpiowska Plain. The middle and lower sections of the Omulew valley covering 59,8 km2 within the boundaries of the Mazowieckie province were surveyed. In the breeding season, the surveys were made in 1991, 1995, 1997 and 1998. Wintering and migrating birds were surveyed in 1988-1998. In total, 111 breeding or presumably breeding species were recorded. Of this number, 25 wetland Non-passeriformes were nesting. This area supports 1% of the Polish breeding populations of Montagu's harrier, crane, corncrake, great snipe, and redshank, also 5% of the population of curlew. The least abundant species include great snipe, roller, and black grouse. Trends in numbers are presented for selected species: 6 species decreased, 2 species increased, and 7 were stationary. The number of breeding pairs in 1991, 1995 and in 1997 and 1998 is given for some species in study plots Brandysie and Kierzek. Trends in numbers are compared on the two plots combined and separately, and in the whole study area.Changes in numbers of crane, curlew, redshank, lapwing, and kestrel should be estimated at the scale of the whole valley.
The birds recorded beyond the breeding season include Canada goose, golden eagle, Jack snipe, and snowy owl. 10 wintering wetland birds and birds of prey were noted, with a clear dominance of mallards.
The whole Omulew valley with the adjoining Płodownica valley is considered a refuge of international importance. A direct threat to the birds breeding in the Omulew valley are various types of drainage. Preliminary works in some part of the valley already caused overdrying, and accounted for a decline in some water birds. This area should be protected as a landscape park. 

Osojca G 2000. BREEDING BIRDS OF THE VALLEY OF THE OPATÓWKA RIVER IN 1998 – 1999. Kulon 5: 61-67.

Grzegorz Osojca, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 95/97, PL-02-089 Warszawa 

Abstract. The paper presents breeding avifauna of the valley of the Opatówka River (south - central Poland). Data on breeding species were collected in 1998-1999 during a twice control of the whole valley. The study area covered 13 km2. The occurrence of 88 bird species, including 76 breeding or probably breeding ones, was ascertained in the valley of the Opatówka River, the regions of Daromin and Tułkowice being of the greatest importance to breeding avifauna. Changes in numbers occurring between 1998-1999 and the present moment have been discussed in the case of 13 species nesting in the Daromin - Tułkowice section. 

Kasprzykowski Z., Łuczak J. 2000. Breeding birds of the cemeteries in Siedlce. Kulon 5: 69-79.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Akademia Podlaska, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl 

Abstract. In 1985 and 1986 and also in 1998 and 1999, a combined modification of the mapping method was used to estimate numbers of birds in the cemeteries at Cmentarna street (CC - 5,6 ha) and at Janowska street (CJ - 4,4 ha) in Siedlce (E Poland). In CC, a total of 25 breeding species were recorded, with a mean density of 92,3 pairs/10 ha (66,1-119,6 pairs/10 ha). Among the ecological groups distinguished, the most abundant species were nesting over 1,5 m high. Their total highest density was 79 pairs/10 ha in the second study period. The cemetery at Janowska street was inhabited by 22 species. In 1985-1986, the mean density of breeding birds was 26,4 pairs/10 ha, whereas in 1998-1999 it was 84,9 pairs/10 ha (55,6 pairs/10 ha on the average). The most abundant ecological group was represented by species nesting higher than 1,5 m. They accounted for 64% of the total community. The densities of birds increased between 1986 and 1998 by 39% in CC and by as many as 71% in CJ. A high proportion of this increase was due to new species recorded in 1998-1999: 32% of the breeding species in CC and 27% in CJ. The species composition of bird communities in CC in 1986 and 1999 was similar. It was also similar between CJ and CC in 1999. In CC, the proportion of hole-nesting birds declined, whereas that of birds nesting on the ground or not higher than 1.5 m above the ground slightly increased in the period of 1985-1999. A reversed situation was observed in CJ. The bird communities of CC and CJ were compared with those of four cemeteries in Lublin and two smallest urban parks in Siedlce. A similarity was found in the species composition between CC and urban parks in Siedlce or three cemeteries in Lublin.

Nowakowski K. W., Manowiec E. 2000. Habitat preferences of the FAT DORMOUSE Glis glis in the Białowieża Primaeval Forest. Kulon 5: 81-89.

Wojciech K. Nowakowski, Katedra Zoologii, Instytut Biologii, Akademia Podlaska, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. The study was conducted in the managed part of the Białowieża Forest in 1996-1997. Along a 13-km transect crossing different forest types, 165 nest boxes for small hole-nesting birds were supplied. Five typological classes of tree stands were identified (following forest typology used in forestry), two age-classes, two classes of canopy density, and two classes of undergrowth density. Nest boxes were visited from May through August. In total, 32 visits were made. Fat dormouse or the traces of their presence were recorded 77 times. Based on these materials, it is concluded that fat dormouse show preference for mixed deciduous forests. Deciduous forest was less preferred, whereas mixed coniferous forest and alder/ash-alder forests were avoided. No significant differences were found in preference between age classes, or canopy density, or undergrowth density

Furmanek M., Wesołowski A. 2000. The first record of the Blyth's reed warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum in the Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains. Kulon 5: 91-92.

Michał Furmanek, Poręba 70, PL-27-300 Lipsko, mifur@interia.pl 

Abstract. A singing male of the Blyth's reed warbler was observed on a marshland near Pakosław (51012'N, 21009'E). This is the farthest towards the south-west observation of this species in Poland. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission. 

Chylarecki P., Sachanowicz K., Goławski A. 2000. Abundant passage of the white-winged black tern Chlidonias leucopterus in central-eastern Poland in 1996. Kulon 5: 92-96.

Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii Akademii Podlaskiej, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl 

Abstract. In the spring of 1996, 2,578 white-winged black terns were recorded in 145 surveys in central-eastern Poland, including 84,8% along rivers, 11,6% across standing waters (ponds, dam reservoirs), and 3,6% far away from waters. The first birds were recorded on 1 May, peak numbers occurred on 3 May, and last birds were noted at the end of June. Terns moved in flocks of maximum 300 individuals. The mean flock size was 17,8 individuals, but in the initial phase of the passage (until 12 May) the mean was 22,8 individuals, and later only 5 individuals. This abundant flight was most probably a consequence of high water level in rivers, inundation of large areas of river valleys in this part of the country, and also of an increase in the breeding population of this species in neighbouring countries (Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia). In the remaining parts of Poland, the number of passing birds did not differ from that in earlier years.

Dombrowski A. 2000. Nesting of the raven Corvus corax on poles 
for power lines between Siedlce and Łosice
. Kulon 5: 97-

Andrzej Dombrowski, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl 

Abstract. In 1999, a 33,5-km section of the 110 kV power line between Siedlce and Łosice (eastern Poland) was monitored for raven nests. Eight active nests were found, corresponding to an average density of about 2,4 pairs/10 km of the line, with the highest density of 6 nests/10 km near the town of Mordy. The nest success was 87,5 %, and the breeding success was 2,7 fledglings/breeding pair (N = 7) and 3,2 fledglings/successful pair (N = 6). When the young ravens fledged, one nest was occupied by the kestrel and another one by the hobby. The first cases of raven nesting on power poles were recorded from the eastern Masovia (Mazowsze) region in 1981 and in southern Podlasie region in 1986. Power poles are also used by ravens as rookeries.

Keller M., Rowiński P., Nowakowski J. 2000. Vistula Operation - Student camp for bird ringing in the middle Vistula valley in 1998. Kulon 5: 107-112.

Akcja Wisła - Studencki Obóz Obrączkowania Ptaków Katedra Zoologii Leśnej i Łowiectwa SGGW, ul. Rakowiecka 26/30 PL-02-528 Warszawa

Abstract. In 1998, 5 494 birds of 84 species were captured at Brzumin (51057'N, 21016'S). The most abundant species were robin, blackcap, and yellow wagtail. Directions of orientation of 512 robins was experimentally examined.