6 no 1-2. 2001
Wilniewczyc P., Szczepaniak W., Zięcik P., Jantarski M. 2001. Birds of fish ponds at Górki and adjacent areas. Kulon 6: 3-61. Piotr Wilniewczyc, ul. Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl Abstract. This is the first detailed description of the avifauna of fish ponds at Górki and adjacent meadows - a refuge of European rank. It is located in south-eastern Poland, about 50 km south of Kielce
(50021'N, 20043'E). The total area, including adjacent meadows, covers 20
km2, including 4 km2 of fish ponds and 16 km2 of wet meadows and other habitats. Based on 355 surveys conducted primarily during 1992-2000, 235 species were noted, including 138 breeding or probably breeding. We described timing of records of birds and their nests, and large concentrations of 176 bird species of 16 orders recorded there. The list of aquatic non-Passeriformes comprises 44 breeding species. We estimated that 2400-2800 pairs of all non-passerines were breeding over the total area in the second half of the 1990s. Ponds in Górki are an important breeding site at the scale of the region and the country. The number of breeding pairs/males is given in parentheses.
Tachybaptus ruficollis (60-70), Podiceps cristatus (80-100),
Podiceps griseigena (35), Podiceps nigricollis (250-300),
Botaurus stellaris (10-13), Ixobrychus minutus (5-7), Nicticorax nicticorax (4 irregular),
Ardea cinerea (150), Cygnus olor (8), Anser anser (47),
Anas penelope (1-2 irregular), Anas strepera (131), Anas crecca (12-13),
Anas platyrhynchos (131-181), Anas clypeata (30), Netta rufina (1),
Aythya ferina (300-400), Aythya nyroca (0-1), Aythya fuligula
(400-600), Circus aeruginosus (22), Circus pygargus (1),
Falco tinnunculus (17-18), Rallus aquaticus (44-61), Porzana porzana (at least 2),
Porzana parva (at least 6), Crex crex (10), Gallinula chloropus (40-70),
Fulica atra (412-815), Charadius dubius (19), Charadius hiaticula (1 irregular),
Vanellus vanellus (418), Gallinago media (0-2), Limosa limosa (162),
Tringa totanus (56), Larus ridibundus (1000), Sterna albifrons
(8 irregular), Chlidonias niger (15), Dendrocopos syriacus (7-8),
Luscinia luscinia (53), Luscinia svecica (3-4), Saxicola torquata (8-9),
Locustella luscinioides (28-42), Actocephalus arundinaceus (95-121),
Panurus biarmicus (12), Remiz pendulinus (41). Kasprzykowski Z. 2001. Numbers of the rook Corvus frugilegus Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Akademia Podlaska, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. The study was conducted in 11 communes near Siedlce, covering a joint area of 1412.82 km2, being a part of the mesoregion called Wysoczyzna Siedlecka (Siedlecka Plateau). This area was surveyed in the period 18-23 April 1998 and on 15 May 1998. To assess changes in the colony size and distribution, the results were compared with the results of an inventory of rook nests conducted in 1970 (Luniak 1972). The data concerned 35 active colonies at 23 localities with a total of 4479 nests. Population densities varied from 0.25 to 8.56 pairs/km2, depending on locality, with a mean of 3.17 pairs/km2. Most nests, 78%, were grouped in 10 large colonies with more than 150 nests each. The nests were placed in 13 tree species, dominated by pines Pinus sp. and ashes Fraxinus excelsior in which over 60% of the nests were placed. The number of nests increased 1.5 times that in 1970. The density of the breeding population increased from 2.02 pairs/km2 in 1970 to 3.17 pairs/km2. At the same time, the number of colonies was reduced by half. Only small colonies, made up of less than 20 nests, disappeared. In 1998, 78% of the breeding pairs occupied colonies comprising over 150 nests, whereas in 1970 only 33% of the pairs occupied large colonies. The results obtained are compared with those for other European countries. Kowalczyk K. J., Szczepko K. 2001. WASPS (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea) OF THE VICINITY OF THE ŁÓDŹ UNIVERSITY FIELD CENTRE IN KAMPINOSKI NATIONAL PARK. Kulon 6: 71-76. Jan K. Kowalczyk, Muzeum Przyrodnicze UŁ, ul. Kilińskiego 101, PL-90-011 Łódź Abstract. The paper presents the list of species of wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea) in the western part of Kampinoski National Park (vicinity of the Łódź University Field Centre), in a former agriculture area in a renaturization stage. Sampling took place during two periods: 1988-92 and 1998-99, from June to September. Kowalczyk K. J., Szczepko K. 2001. THE CHRYSIDID WASPS (Hymenoptera,
Chrysididae) OF THE FORMER AGRICULTURE AREA IN THE WEST SIDE Jan K. Kowalczyk, Muzeum Przyrodnicze UŁ, ul. Kilińskiego 101, PL-90-011 Łódź Abstract. The data on chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera,
Chrysididae) in the Kampinoski National Park is very modest. The present paper concerns the study of
Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) in a former agriculture area in a renaturization stage, in the western part of KPN (surroundings of the Field Centre in Bromierzyk). The materials were collected during two periods: 1988-1992 and 1998-99, from June to September. Two methods were used to capture insects: an entomological net (first period) and Moericke’a traps (second period). On the study sites, 19 species of
Chrysididae were found, including 13 new species for KPN. This lengthens the list of
Chrysididae of Kampinoski National Park to 26 species (37,0% chrysidid wasps of Poland). The following species:
Chrysis bicolor, Ch. fasciata, Ch. longula, Hedychridium
zelleri and H. integrum are rare in Poland. Szczepaniak P. 2001. First record of the grey wagtail Motacilla cinerea in the Świętokrzyski National Park. Kulon 6: 85-86. Paweł Szczepaniak Pracownia Naukowo-Badawcza Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy Abstract. On 28 April 2001, a pair of grey wagtails was observed in the Świętokrzyski National Park (50054'N, 20055'E), and on 22 May 2001, a pair carrying food to the nest was noted in the same place This is the first record of the nesting of this species in the Świętokrzyski National Park. Wilniewczyc P. 2001. First record of the buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus Piotr Wilniewczyc, ul. Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl Abstract. On 17 December 1994, Buteo buteo vulpinus was observed in the Belnianka river valley near the village of Ława, commune of Daleszyce (50048'N, 20051'E). This is the first record from the Świętokrzyskie region and one of the 29 records from Poland by the end of the 20th century. Goławski A. 2001. The third record of the black-winged stilt Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii AP, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. On 18 May 2000, a single individual of the black-winged stilt was observed at Siedlce fish ponds (52012'N, 22017'E). Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission. Kasprzykowski Z., Rzępała M. 2001. Nesting of the bee-eater Merops apiaster in the Southern Podlasie. Kulon 6: 88-89. Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska, Akademia Podlaska, ul. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. Two cases of bee-eater nesting were noted: on 27 July 1999 in a gravel-pit near the village of Artych (52013'N, 22044'E) and on 12 August 2000 in a chalk exploitation hollow at Mielnik (52020'N, 23003'E). These were the first records from both these sites (accepted by the Faunistic Commission of PTZool). Wilniewczyc P. 2001. An early appearance of the lesser grey shrike Lanius minor near Kielce. Kulon 6: 89-90. Piotr Wilniewczyc, ul. Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl Abstract. On 18 March 1995, a single lesser grey shrike was observed on Cedzyna reservoir near Kielce (50052'N, 20051'E). This is the earliest record of this species from Poland, presumably, due to weather conditions. Dombrowski A. 2001. Wintering of birds in farmland of the Siedlecka Plateau. Kulon 6: 90-92. Andrzej Dombrowski, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl Abstract. Along three routes of a joint length of 64.5 km near Siedlce, 16 bird species were observed in the second half of December 1989. Their total density was 776 individuals/10 km. Three species (greenfinch, linnet, and yellowhammer) accounted for 94.5% of the total number of birds. Mean densities of these species exceeded 29 ind./10 km, whereas the densities of the remaining species were less than 2 ind./10 km. Dombrowski A. 2001. Wintering of birds in selected villages of the Siedlecka Plateau. Kulon 6: 92-94. Andrzej Dombrowski, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl Abstract. In nine villages of the Siedlecka Plateau, 17 bird species were recorded during single surveys in the winter of 1989/90. Their total abundance was 1337 individuals (Table) and mean density 123.6 ind./10 ha. House sparrows were most abundant, accounting for 38.2% of the total number of birds, but in some villages jackdaws or yellowhammers, or even goldfinches were more abundant. Surprising was the absence of greenfinches - a common bird wintering in farmland of this region. Szczepaniak P. 2001. Observations of wintering dunnocks Prunella modularis in the Bodzentyńska valley. Kulon 6: 94-95. Paweł Szczepaniak, Pracownia Naukowo-Badawcza, Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy Abstract. In the period 17 November 2000-09 March 2001, a wintering flock of 1-4 dunnocks was observed at Bodzentyn (50056'N, 20057'E). The birds permanently stayed and foraged at the same site. They did not show any vocal activity. CZerka N., Dyczkowski J., Goławski A., Lasocki K. 2001. Unusual colony of the white stork Ciconia ciconia in Belarussian part of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Kulon 6: 95-97. Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, ul. B. Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, e-mail: artgo@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. On 29 April 2000, birds were surveyed at the village of Babiniec in western part of vast (ca 2000 ha) drained meadows in central-eastern part of the Białowieża Forest (Belarus). At the peripheries of the village there were 29 active nests of the white stork, situated in huge black poplars, including three trees with seven nests each. A pair of kestrels, many starlings and sparrows nested in white stork nests. In 1999, in one of the nests, located 70 m from the nearest building, the eagle owl successfully raised chicks. In 2000, no eagle owl nest was found, but one bird was observed in a small alder wood at the verge of the village. Nesting of eagle owls in an active white stork colony is extremely rare, and nesting of kestrels was noted on rare occasions. Sępioł B. 2001. Nesting of the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major and other species of birds in bee-eater Merops apiaster burrows. Kulon 6: 97. Bogusław Sępioł, ul. Słowackiego 29a, PL-27-415 Kunów, boguslawsepiol@op.pl Abstract. On 10 June 1998, nesting of the great spotted woodpecker was discovered in a bee-eater burrow located in a loess escarpment near Kunów-Kunowo (50057'N, 21016'E). Also house sparrows Passer domesticus and tree sparrows Passer montanus nested in burrows of this species in the same area. Wilniewczyc P., Jantarski M. 2001. A high concentration of the whinchat Saxicola rubetra on sedimentation tanks of the thermal power plant in Kielce. Kulon 6: 98. Piotr Wilniewczyc, ul. Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl Abstract. On 29 August 1999, a flock of 40 Saxicola rubetra was observed in the area of sedimentation tanks of the thermal power plant in Kielce (50052'N, 20048'E). This was the largest observed concentration of this species in the Świętokrzyskie region and one of the largest in Poland.