vol 8/1 2003 |
Pugacewicz E. 2003. How many birds nest in Poland? Kulon 8/1: 3-14. Eugeniusz Pugacewicz, Botaniczna 3, PL-17-200 Hajnówka Abstract.
article represents an attempt to verify the validity of the official
estimates of the abundance of
breeding birds in Poland as reported in the expertise prepared by
Gromadzki et al. (1992). This
was done
by comparing the sums of general official estimates with the estimates
of the total numbers of birds in
Poland based on the indices of densities of the whole bird assemblages
from 66 landscape sampling plots.
According to the official estimates, no more than 44 000 000 breeding
pairs occur in Poland, whereas
92 000 000-110 500 000 pairs according to the indices of densities of
bird assemblages from landscape sampling plots, which means that the
official estimates are reduced by half, on the average. The
underestimation of bird numbers could arise from a) ignorance or
depreciation of quantitative data from
landscape plots, b) application of the deceptive method of authoritative
judgments, c) referring to the
previous estimates by Tomiałojć (1990), and d) unrealistic evaluation
of the original materials. When
evaluating numbers of breeding birds over large areas it is necessary to
thoroughly evaluate the original
materials, considering the general knowledge of the species, density
indices, total area size, diversity of breeding habitats, and the
distribution of the species in the study area. Dmoch A., Cie¶luk P., Godlewski M., Kozik R., Wyszynski R. 2003. Avifauna of eastern part of the Biała Forest. Kulon 8/1: 15-45. Adam Dmoch, D±browskiego 11/3, PL-05-820 Piastów, adamdmoch@poczta.onet.pl Abstract.
the eastern part of the Biała Forest (610 km2, 52% forest
cover), 192 bird species were noted,
including 132 breeding or probably breeding, and 16 considered as
possibly breeding during 1983
to July 2002. Of this number, 17 species were closely associated with
fish ponds and peat holes, covering 0.3% of the total area. The breeding
birds of this area included 4 species of grebes, 7 species of
raptors, and 3 species of shrikes. This is an important breeding area on
the scale of the whole country for
the vanishing roller, and possibly for moderately abundant nightjar,
wood lark and tawny pipit. Among
the rare and endangered species in Poland, woodchat shrike and, probably,
black kite and bluethroat
were nesting. Nutcracker and hazel hen were recorded in the breeding
season Kasprzykowski Z., Goławski A. 2003. Birds wintering in an open agricultural landscape of the Siedlce Upland in 2002/2003. Kulon 21-25. Zbigniew
Kasprzykowski, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa
12, PL- 08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl
Abstract. In the period December 2002-February 2003, nine bird surveys were performed at 10-day intervals on a 300-ha area located in the open agricultural landscape near Siedlce (52°16'N, 22°29'E). In total, 13 bird species were noted, with an average density of 27 ind./100 ha. Yellowhammer, fieldfare, linnet, and partridge were dominant species. The depth of snow cover largely influenced of the number of species recorded, but to a lesser extent, the number of individuals. Most birds, mainly yellowhammers, aggregated on the manure deposited in crop fields, whereas buzzards, great grey shrikes, ravens, and magpies foraged mainly on meadows and ploughed crop fields. Dombrowski A., Chmielewski S., Kasprzykowski Z., Rzępała M., Wereszczyńska A. 2003. Assemblages of waterbirds on fish ponds of the Mazovian Lowland during post-breeding movements. Kulon 8/1: 48-62. Andrzej Dombrowski, ¦wierkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@wp.pl Abstract.
the Mazovian Lowland (east-central Poland), 63 complexes of fish ponds
were monitored once
during 4 August-2 September 1989. The total area of these complexes was
5 272 ha, that is, about 70%
of the total area of fish ponds in this region. In total, 61 species of
water Non-Passeriformes were
recorded, with 48 346 individuals (917 ind./100 ha). The size of
complexes influenced the number of species and their abundance.
Significant differences were found in the species richness and numbers
of water birds between different classes of fish pond size. The highest
numbers of birds and species were noted
on large complexes. The highest association between numbers of birds and
complex size was noted for coot, tufted duck, pochard, and mallard. A
moderate relationship was found for mute swan, shoveler, lapwing, great
crested grebe, black-headed gull, heron, marsh harrier, and little grebe.
The most abundant morpho-ecological group was represented by swimming
birds, and the most abundant trophic
group by 4 species of benthophages. The size of fish pond complexes had
greatest effects on the abundance
of swimming birds and birds hunting on wings, also on benthophages,
ichthyophages, phytophages,
and polyphages. In the period of post-breeding movements in August,
species diversity of birds
on fish ponds was higher than on any other body of water in this region.
They were the most important sites for little grebe, great crested grebe,
tufted duck, pochard, and garganey. Dombrowski A., Chmielewski S. 2003. Assemblages of water birds during autumn movements on fish ponds at the village of Kotuń (Siedlce administrative district). Kulon 8/1: 63-75. Andrzej
Dombrowski, ¦wierkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@wp.pl Abstract.
fish ponds at the yillage of Kotuń (eastern Poland), 39 species of
water birds were noted in
1975-1981. During regular observations (23 inventories) in
October-November of 1978-1979 and 1981,13
532 individuals representing 36 species were recorded. The most abundant
species were mallard, coot,
and teal. The most abundant group consisted of swimming birds (96.8%)
and phytophages (68.9%). Benthophages accounted for 27.4% of the total
number of birds. Numbers of birds declined in successive years from 943/inventory
in 1978 to 245/inventory in 1981. The majority of species were more
abundant in
October than in November. The dominance structure and density, also the
proportion of ecological groups
on fish ponds at Kotuń differed from those in Siedlce in 1978 and at
Wilga in 1981, examined in the
same period. These differences were probably due to differences in the
direct surroundings of the ponds
and their location at Wilga on the important flyway in the Vistula
valley, especially for Larii and
the species composition being similar. Szymkiewicz M. 2003. Breeding avifauna of a selected fragment of the agricultural landscape near Siedlce. Kulon 8/1: 77-87. Marian Szymkiewicz, Muzeum Warmii i Mazur, Dział Przyrody, Zamkowa 2, PL-10-047 Olsztyn Abstract. In 1982, numbers of 36 breeding species of birds and the species richness of breeding avifauna were estimated on 18 km2 area of an agricultural landscape located on the Siedlecka Upland. In total, 8 daytime and 3 nocturnal surveys were conducted, covering 162 hours of the field work. At night, owls were counted, using a playback every 500 m, on the average. A single survey consisted of 3 counts of a mean duration of 6.5 hours, each. There were 64 breeding species and 14 visiting or transient. species recorded. Yellowhammer was the most abundant, with a density of 48.3 pairs/10 km2. It was followed by corn bunting with a density reduced to one-third (15 p/10 km2). In the group of seven most abundant species (>6 p/10 km2), three were associated with habitat mosaics, mostly with forest-crop field and forest-grassland ecotones (yellowhammer, whitethroat, ortolan bunting), two species occupied open habitats (lapwing, com bunting), and two were typical forest species (willow warbler, lesser whitethroat). Numbers of 10 species ranged between 2 and 5 p/10 km2. The density of most species, as many as 19, did not exceed 2 p/10 km2. The number of 64 breeding species recorded from the Paprotnia sampling plot can be considered to be high as compared with two plots surveyed in Silesia in 1977-1979, where 33 and 50 breeding species were noted, and also as compared with the results obtained in Pomerania in 1981, where 52 and 56 breeding species were recorded. Siekierski J. 2003. Beetles (Scarabaeoidea, Coleoptera) in north-western part of the Kozienicka Forest. Kulon 8/1: 81-96. Jan Siekierski, Zbawiciela 5/7, PL-00 651 Warszawa Abstract. The study was conducted at north-western edge of the Kozienicka Forest (commune of Głowaczów, Mazovian province, UTM EC 21) at the village of Marianów and its surroundings during 13 April -11 November 1997. During the field work, beetles were captured in baited traps and attracted to light (Fig. l). The forest was visited on rare occasions. In total, 25 species of Scarabaeidae lapamsticti were recorded, 15 species of Scarabaeidae pleurosticti, 1 species of Lucanidae, and 2 species of Trogidae. Three species new to Mazovian Lowland were discovered: Oniticellus fulvus, Hoplia philanhus, and Platycerus caraboides. Kowalczyk J. K., Krzeptowski M. 2003. ROBBER-FLIES (DIPTERA, ASILIDAE) OF THE ¦WIĘTOKRZYSKI NATIONAL PARK. Kulon 8/1: 97-99. Jan Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Muzeum
Przyrodnicze Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego,
Kilińskiego 101,
PL- 90-011 ŁódĽ Abstract. The robber-flies fauna of the ¦więtokrzyski National Park (50°53'N, 21°00'E) was studied in 1985-1986. Out of 25 species found, 10 were recorded for the first time from the ¦więtokrzyskie Mts. Nowadays 29 species of Asilidae fauna from ¦więtokrzyski National Park and its protective area and 35 species from the ¦więtokrzyskie Mts. are known. The interesting species are: Antipalus sinuatus, Paritamus geniculatus and Dioctria linearis. Kasprzykowski Z., Rzępała M. 2003. WINTERING OF THE GREAT GREY SHRIKE LANIUS EXCUBITOR IN NORTHERN MAZOVIA AND SOUTHERN PODLASIE. Kulon 8/1: 101-103. Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony ¦rodowiska, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl Abstract. Numbers of wintering great grey shrikes were estimated in 1988/1989 and 1989/1990, and also in 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 from counts on 20 sampling plots covering jointly an area of 271.2 km2 in east-central Poland. The size of these plots ranged from 9.4 to 22.9 km2, with a mean of 13.6 km2. All of them were surveyed between 1 December and 15 January. The density of wintering shrikes increased from 0.6 ind./10 km2 (17 ind.) in 1988/1989 to 1.1 ind./km2 (29 ind.) in 2000/2001. The highest density of 4.8 ind./10 km2 was found in 1989/1990. Wintering shrikes occurred on all the three types of the surveyed plots but in markedly lower numbers on crop fields (Fig.). No correlation was found between the proportion of meadows and the density of this species (r=0.36, N=20, ns), although two highest densities were noted over vast complexes of hay meadows and pastures. B±k Z. 2003. AN EARLY OBSERVATION OF THE LITTLE BITTERN IXOBRYCHUS MINUTUS. Kulon 8/1: 104. Zbigniew B±k, Hallera 1/3, PL-26-617 Radom, zbyszekb32@wp.pl Abstract. On 16 March 2002, 8 to 15 individuals of the little bittern were observed on the fish ponds in Jedlińsk (51o30’, 21°07'E). This is the earliest spring observation of this species in Poland. Major J. 2003. A CASE OF PREDATION BY THE ROOK CORVUS FRUGILEGUS. Kulon 8/1: 104-105. Jacek Major, Wojska Polskiego 2a/4, 27-200 Starachowice, jacek_major@interia.pl Abstract.
On 9 April 2002, in Starachowice (51o30’N, 21°07'E), I
observed a rook Corvus frugilegus attacking
twice within five minutes an incubating collard turtle dove Streptopelia decaocto to steal an
Both attacks were successful, and the rook carried each egg to the
nearest building to eat it. Zawadzki J. 2003. NESTING OF THE GOOSANDER MERGUS MERGANSER IN THE NATURE RESERVE STAWY RASZYŃSKIE (RASZYŃSKIE PONDS). Kulon 8/1: 105-106. Jarosław Zawadzki, Krakowska 2a, PL-05-090 Raszyn, jarzaw@gmail.com Abstract. In 2001, a goosander nested for the first time on fish ponds in the ornithological reserve Stawy Raszyńskie (52°09'N, 20°55'E). This is the first record of the nesting of this species in the Mazovian Lowland. Dudzik K. 2003. NESTING OF THE HOOPOE UPUPA EPOPS IN A DWELLING HOUSE. Kulon 8/1: 106-107. Krzysztof Dudzik, Wola Wi¶niowa 99, PL-29-100 Włoszczowa Abstract. On 2002 and 2003, an hoopoe nest with the young was found in the attic of a dwelling house at the village of Ludynia Dwór (50°51'N, 20°07'E). All the young fledged. Błoński W., Major J. 2003. NEW OBSERVATIONS OF DIVING MALLARDS ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS. Kulon 8/1: 107-108. Waldemar Błoński, Majówka 14/9, PL-27-200 Starachowice Abstract. In 1999-2002, diving mallards were observed on 20 occasions in the period from October to February on the river Kamienna (51o03N, 21°03'E). They remained under water for about 5 seconds. Major J. 2003. A SITE OF THE DORMOUSE MUSCARDINUS AVELLANARIUS IN THE SIERADOWICKI LANDSCAPE PARK. Kulon 8/1: 109. Jacek Major, Wojska Polskiego 2a/4, PL-27-200 Starachowice, jacek_major@interia.pl Abstract. In June of 1995, on an area of about 2 km2 (in a 30-m wide stripe under a high-tension line) located at the eastern edge of the Sieradowicki Landscape Park, central Poland, I found six nests of the dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius placed in junipers. Ali these nests seemed to be active, and in one of them I discovered a sleeping dormouse. In March 2002,1 found 16 nests in the same area, of which 13 showed signs of being used the previous season. This is the first record of this species from the Park. |