vol 8/2 2003

Puścian E. 2003. Selected aspects of breeding biology of the black tern Chlidonias niger on oxbow of the Bug river. Kulon 8/2: 3-10. 

Ewelina Puścian, Morzyczyn 53, PL-07-140 Sadowne

Abstract. A black tern colony on Lake Bużysko (21°30'E, 52°40rN) located in the Nadbużański Landscape Park was surveyed on 5 occasions in 2000 and on 6 occasions in 2001. In the first season, 36 nests of this species were found and in the second, 16 nests. In 2000, white-winged black terns nested in the colony of black terns. The colony was divided into 6 subcolonies with 2-18 nests. In addition, 2 single nests were present. The nests of the black tern were built mainly of the water soldier Stratiotes aloides. Mean distances among nests varied between 1 and 4,2 m in various subcolonies, and these differences were statistically significant (F5.35=3.93, p=0.006). The smallest nest distances were noted in subcolonies occupying the central part of the colony. The mean distance between subcolonies was 62 m (N=5). The outer nest diameter was 16.3 cm (N=26), the inner diameter was 7.8 cm (N=29), and nest height was 6.8 cm (N=26). The mean date of the first egg laid was May 18 (N=30) in the first season and 11 days later in the second season. This was likely to be related with the timing of the growth of plants used as nest material. Most clutches (80%) contained 3 eggs (N=50). The sizes of 119 eggs of 50 clutches of black terns were measured, including egg length, breadth, and volume.

Soćko B., Mitrus C. 2003. Changes in the species composition and numbers of birds on fish ponds at Kołodziąż over the last 35 years. Kulon 8/2: 11-20.

Soćko Beata, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa 12, PL- 08-110 Siedlce, socko@ap.siedlce.pl
Mitrus Cezary, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa 12, PL- 08-110 Siedlce,

Abstract. During 1966-2001, 31 species of water birds and passerines were noted on fish pond at Kołodziąż. Over the 35-year period, eight species stopped nesting (red-necked grebe, black-necked grebe, garganey, pochard, tufted duck, little ringed plover, common snipe, marsh warbler), and eight new species started breeding (great crested grebe, bittern, mute swan, marsh harrier, black tern, common tern, Savi's warbler, scarlet grosbeak). Several species increased in number (mallard, little crake, great reed warbler, reed warbler), and several others fluctuated (little grebe, water rail, moorhen, coot, sedge warbler). Some changes reflect trends observed for the whole country and Europe (gadwall, mute swan, marsh harrier, Savi's warbler, scarlet grosbeak), whereas some others can be explained by changes in local conditions (common tern, black tem, common snipe).

Kasprzykowski Z., Goławski A. 2003. Birds wintering in an open agricultural landscape of the Siedlce Upland in 2002/2003. Kulon 8/2: 21-25.

Zbigniew Kasprzykowski, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa 12, PL- 08-110 Siedlce, zbykas@ap.siedlce.pl
Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii, Akademia Podlaska, Prusa 12, PL- 08-110 Siedlce artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. In the period December 2002-February 2003, nine bird surveys were performed at 10-day intervals on a 300-ha area located in the open agricultural landscape near Siedlce (52°16'N, 22°29'E). In total, 13 bird species were noted, with an average density of 27 ind./100 ha. Yellowhammer, fieldfare, linnet, and partridge were dominant species. The depth of snow cover largely influenced of the number of species recorded, but to a lesser extent, the number of individuals. Most birds, mainly yellowhammers, aggregated on the manure deposited in crop fields, whereas buzzards, great grey shrikes, ravens, and magpies foraged mainly on meadows and ploughed crop fields.

Szczepko K., Wójciak E. 2003. Hymenoptera of wooden buildings in Kampinos National Park. Kulon 8/2: 27-37.

Katarzyna Szczepko, Zakład Dydaktyki Biologii i Badania Różnorodności Biologicznej UŁ, Banacha 1/3, PL-90-237 Łódź, kawa@biol.uni.lodz.pl
Emilia Wójciak, Stanisławów 19, PL-97-320 Wolbórz

Abstract. The studies on selected families of Hymenoptera of 16 wooden buildings in Kampinoski National Park (fig. 1) were conducted during 2000-2001, from June to October. Quantitative anylyses were carried out by using method of Moericke traps. As the result of studies 2113 specimens of Hymenoptera were recorded. The group of Aculeata was represented by 1717 individuals. The most abundant superfamilies were Sphecoidea (26%) and Pompiloidea (20%) (fig. 2). The participations of Yespoidea, Apoidea and Formicoidea were similar, each on average 10%. Chrysidoidea accounted for 5% of the total, the specimens of two superfamilies Mutilloidea and Scolioidea were represented by single specimens and althogether they covered only 0,5%. In the seasons under study the highest number of specimens (fig. 3) was recorded for sites 12 (330 individuals) and 2 (258 individuals). The lowest number of individuals was registered on sites 5,7,9,10 and 15. The analysis of mean abundance indicated that two characteristics, condition and buildnig surrounding, had a positive effect on number of Hymenoptera. The number of individuals on non-preserved buildings compared with the number of the specimens collected on preserved buildings was significantly higher for Sphecoidea (U6.11= 2.5; p<0,05) and Apoidea (U611= 0; p<0,05) (fig. 4). The positive correlation between type of surrounding abundance was found for three superfamilies (fig. 5). The mean number of Vespoidea specimens was lowest on buildings located in villages than those surrounded by wastelands and meadows (U6.6= 4; p<0,05) or grasslands and dunes (U4.6= 1; p<0,05). Abundance of Pompiloidea and Formicoidea was significantly higher on buildings surrounded by grasslands and dunes than on those located in villages, U4.6= 1 (p<0,05) and U4.6= 0 respectively. Most of the superfamilies were registered from June to October (fig. 6), with the exception of Mutilloidea and Scolioidea. The presence of Mutilloidea was noted only on the turn of June and July. The only one specimen of Scolioidea was caught in the second decade of July.

Ciach M., Tabor J. 2003. The locality of grasshopper Ephippigera ephippiger (Fiebig)-Orthoptera: Ephippigeridae on Mazowiecka Lowland. Kulon 8/2: 38-39. 

Michał Ciach, Zakład Zoologii Leśnej i Łowiectwa, Wydział Leśny, Akademia Rolnicza, 29 Listopada 46, PL-31-425 Kraków, mciach@ar,krakow.pl
Jacek Tabor, Spalski Park Krajobrazowy, Podleśna 2, Spała, PL-97-215 Inowłódz jacektabor@poczta.onet.pl

Abstract. The new locality of grasshopper Ephippigera ephippiger has been found on Mazowiecka Lowland (51°33'N, 20°29'E). The details of site are described. This is the third record of this species on Mazowiecka Lowland, which is the only one presently known in the region. This locality is discussed in the context of the distribution of this species in Poland.

Kowalski M, Wojtowicz B. 2003. Second record of Thymelicus acteon (Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera) from the Mazovian Lowland. Kulon 8/2: 40. 

Marek Kowalski, Towarzystwo Przyrodnicze “Bocian”, Jagiełły 10, PL-08-110 Siedlce, marek@bocian.org.pl

Abstract. Two females of Thymelicus acteon were observed about 1 km west of the village of Świerże Górne (Central Poland, UTM EC 32), about 1 km from the Vistula valley. This is the second observation of this species in the Mazovian Lowland. Previously, it was described by Romaniszyn (1929) from Konstancin near Warsaw. The authors suggest that this species can move along the Vistula valley.

Wilniewczyc P., Szczepaniak P., Sępioł B. 2003. Results of winter counts of birds of prey Falconiformes and great grey shrikes Lanius excubitor in selected Valleys of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 8/2: 41-45.  

Piotr Wilniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl

Abstract. In the winter of 2001/2002, birds of prey Falconiformes and great grey shrikes Lanius excubitor were counted on three plots in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Fig.). Two plots were located in the valleys of the Nida and Kamienna rivers, and one in the buffer zone of the Świętokrzyski National Park. Birds were counted at 10-day intervals in the period of December-February. Densities of 7 species of birds of prey were estimated (Table 2). Winter observations of an eastern buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus should be emphasized (accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission).

Wilniewczyc P., Czyż S., Kaczorowski G, Dudzik K. 2003. A record of the pectoral sandpiper Calidris melanotos from the Pilica river valley. Kulon 8/2: 45-49

Piotr Wilniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl

Abstract. On 29 and 30 September and 2 October 2002, one individual of the pectoral sandpiper Calidris melanotos in its first calendar year of life was observed on a complex of fish ponds in Okołowice (50°50'N, 19°43'E). This is the first record of this species from this part of the country. The number of observations of the pectoral sandpiper steadily increases in Poland. There were 9 observations in 1964-1991, 17 in 1992-2002, in sum, 26 observations. The observation of the pectoral sandpiper described here is a part of the most abundant appearance of this species in Poland as in only one year (2002) it was noted on six occasions. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Sygocki J., Wilniewczyc P. 2003. The third observation of the black-headed butnting Emberiza melanocephala in Poland. Kulon 8/2: 49-50. 

Janusz Sygocki, Nowowiejska 24/140, PL-25-532 Kielce

Abstract. On 29 April 1984, an adult black-headed bunting was observed on the outskirts of Kielce (50°51 'N, 20°33'E). Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Wilniewczyc P., Szczepaniak P. 2003. Abundant appearance of the firecrest Regulusignicapillus in the Świętokrzyski National Park during spring migration. Kulon 8/2: 50-51. 

Piotr Wilniewczyc, Paderewskiego 15/3, PL-25-017 Kielce, pwi43@wp.pl
Paweł Szczepaniak, Pracownia Naukowo - Bdawcza, Świętokrzyski Park Narodowy, Suchedniowska 4, PL-26-010 Bodzentyn,

Abstract. An extremely abundant appearance of the firecrest was observed in the Świętokrzyski National Park (50°54'N, 20°55'E) during spring migration. In the most abundant concentration on 5 April 2000, 17 individuals were observed along a 1.9-km transect, which corresponds to a density of 8.9 ind./km. During following counts in the breeding season of 2000, their density on the same line was 0.5 pairs/km.

Ciach M. 2003. Brood of mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus on the Sulejowski Rreservoir. Kulon 8/2: 51-52.

Michał Ciach, Zakład Zoologii Leśnej i Łowiectwa, Wydział Leśny Akademii Rolniczej w Krakowie, 29 Listopada 46, PL-31 - 425 Kraków, mciach@poczta.onet.pl

Abstract. In 2003 the breeding pair of Mediterranean Gull was found on the pounds near Bronisławów on the Sulejowski Reservoir (C Poland). It is the first breeding record of the species on the Pilica river. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.